Coming up soon! | #CreativeGPS: Training Program for Career Management and Transnational Peer Learning for Professionals in the Arts, Culture and Creative Sectors


The CreativeGPS training program is dedicated to practitioners from the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) from Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The program will take its participants on an intense 7-week learning journey starting in October, both online and on-site.

The CreativeGPS is a skills development program designed to support creative professionals in navigating their careers with awareness and a strategic approach. Acknowledging common challenges in creative professions, it focuses on building participants’ capacities to manage their careers by developing essential soft skills and exploring entrepreneurial potentials. Participation is open to practitioners from Estonia, Finland, and Latvia, and there are 22 available spots per country. 

The program is implemented together with project partners Tallinna Loomeinkubaator in Estonia and Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals (TAKU) in Finland.

Stay tuned for more info about the programs and enrollments coming up in August 2024!