If you’re seeking trusted experts across diverse perspectives of culture and creative sector developments, you’ve come to the right place. Explore the list and click on the link behind each name to further connect with the experts on LinkedIn.

NDPC is thrilled to present esteemed external collaborators and partners with whom it has successfully collaborated on various  projects, achieving significant milestones. As NDPC simultaneously start new journeys and finalize new collaborative outputs, the NDPC  pool of experts continues to expand.

For those interested in joining our community of experts and exploring collaboration opportunities, we warmly invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Stay updated as we share our collaboration opportunities there!


Angelo Vermeulen, expert in arts & technology, a space biologist, computational designer, complex systems engineer and artist, Belgium

The NDPC collaborated with Angelo as a keynote speaker on the #NDPCbootcamp for Cross-Innovation and as an knowledge source for the Six Essential Elements of Cross-Sectorial Co-Creation: Unleashing Collective Intelligence article (2023).


Inga Surgunte, an arts and health collaboration expert,  heritage interpretation and culture & sustainable development, Latvia

The NDPC collaborated with Inga as an external expert in  The Art of Staying Healthy and CultureForHealth projects. She is co-author of the “Talking Points: Arts and Health in Communities” (2023).


Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff
, expert in arts & design based collaboration and cross innovation, cultural relations and policy advice, Belgium

The NDPC collaborated with Johanna as a commissioned expert and author on The Policy Brief on Arts & Design-Based Collaboration and Cross-Innovation practices (2023).


Martin Q Larsson, a creative business and cross-innovation expert, composer, facilitator, Sweden

The NDPC has collaborated with Martin as a external facilitator in #NDPCBootcamp for Creative Entrepreneurs (2022).



Ragnar Siil, a cultural policy and creative industries expert, management consultant and communication skills trainer, Estonia

Ragnar as has been supporting the NDPC team and Steering Committee in collaborative development of the NDPC strategy. The strategy (2023-2026) can be found here.



Tuomas Tirkkonen, professional facilitator and coach, Finland

The NDPC collaborated with Tuomas as an facilitator and concept developer of the the #NDPCbootcamp for cross-innovation (2023).



Abbas Sbeity, multidisciplinary designer and consultant, Sweden

The NDPC collaborated with Abbas as a concept developer for the Seed Money Initiative Roadmap – BSR Cultural Pearls.