New Mapping Study and Report: Mobility and collaboration funding for the cultural and creative industries sector in the Northern Dimension Area
In Spring 2021 Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) jointly with EU National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) launched a call for proposals for the development of the Mapping Study and Report: mobility and collaboration funding for the cultural and creative industries sector in Northern Dimension Area
Association On the Move (OTM) was commissioned to produce this valuable document that provides an analysis of the context of cultural mobility in the Northern Dimension countries, of the needs of culture and creative professionals, and of the strengths and weaknesses of existing regional cultural mobility schemes, including in light of COVID-19 restrictions and their impact on existing programs.
Additionally, the report provides recommendations for a regional mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals from the Culture and Creative Industries that will be further applied to launch new professional mobility grant scheme within ND region.
The Mapping Study and report is a part of activities within the joint project between NDPC and EUNIC “Support to the NDPC”, co-funded by the European Union.The Mapping Study and report is a part of activities within the joint project between NDPC and EUNIC “Support to the NDPC”, co-funded by the European Union.
Download the full report: Mobility Mapping Study