Open Call “The Art of Staying Healthy”. Frequently Asked Questions

In this list of frequently asked questions we collect the questions we have received by email. We will continuously update the list by adding questions and answers.

Should you not find the necessary information here, please contact



Are individuals and teams equally eligible to apply?

Private individuals are not eligible to apply.

Eligible applicants are registered entities, organisations (public, private, NGO’s etc.) or individual entrepreneurs. They can apply together as a partnership.

Does my organisation/company fit into the definition of cultural/arts/health sector (for example a company with dance therapy activities)?

The dance sector is included in our definition of the arts and cultural sector. Please see the definitions of arts and health in the WHO report section 1.1. Please use these for reference, however, other creative, cultural or health care areas are included too.

Does the partnership with international partners give more points?

No, there is no such criteria.

In the case of an already established partnership/consortium, do all partners have to be located in one of the indicated project countries?

The project’s lead applicant needs to be located/established in one of the Northern Dimension countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia or Sweden, as outlined in the call for proposals. Likewise, the activities within the project should take place in the Northern Dimension area.

However, organisations that are proposed as partners can be located outside the Northern Dimension area.



What will happen during the workshops? Where will they take place?

The workshops are for the selected applicants. It is planned to build their knowledge about the common themes of the health and arts sectors and to explore in more detail the challenges that the implementers of the selected projects face. The organisers truly hope to have workshops not only online, but also face-to-face. That would give the participants the opportunity to meet each other in person and work together with mentors and inspiring speakers. At the moment we are planning to have two online workshops in autumn 2021 and, if possible, two face-to-face workshops in 2022. The information will be continuously updated and communicated depending on the global COVID-19 situation.

What will happen during the study visits?

The participants will have an opportunity to visit another selected project or other successful example from the field, get inspiration and gain experience.

According to the COVID-19 situation, if possible, the study visits will happen face-to-face.



How long should planned project activities last?

It is planned that project piloting activities will start in November 2021 and last up to 12 months, until November 2022. The start and end dates, as well as the duration of projects may differ for each project depending on the proposal and the needs of the implementing organisations. However, all participants should submit project activity reports in December 2022.

How many projects will be selected?

Depending on the budget requested by the applicants, it is planned to select 4-5 projects.



What is the maximum budget of projects?

Applicants can request funding up to 10.000 EUR.

What activities should we budget for?

The budget should include only the activities and expenses related to the implementation of the project/piloting activities. Participating organisations do not need to budget for travel to/from the workshops and other events that are provided for them in the framework of the programme. All expenses related to mentoring, workshops for selected project implementers and the final event, are covered by the organisers.

Who will pay for the workshops/study visits/final event?

The participation of selected participants in project workshops, mentoring activities, study visits and the final event are paid for by the organisers. Applicants do not need to include costs related to these activities in their project budgets.

What kind of expenditure is eligible/ineligible?

While there is no fixed list of eligible and ineligible expenditure, the budget for requested funding is intended to allow us to make an assessment of the project’s sound financial planning. Proposed expenditure should be well-justified and supported by the project plan, making clear why a certain cost is needed for the successful implementation of project activities.

Can we include overhead?

Applicants may, but do not have to include indirect costs/overhead of max. 7% of the total direct costs from the sum of the requested grant.

Do we need to provide our own co-financing?

Supplementing the grant with own co-financing is not a requirement, but possible. If you propose to use your own co-financing, please make clear in the application how these funds are planned to be used.

The Art of Staying Healthy programme is a part of the joint project between NDPC and EUNIC “Support to the NDPC”, co-funded by the European Commission. #NDcrossCreate