Save the date for Policy Brief Launch / State-of-play of Creative Cross-Innovations!
What is the state-of-play of Creative Cross-Innovations, and how can the practice be orchestrated and championed by supportive policy making?
On September 12, at 16:00 EET, we are inviting you to join us online for the presentation of the Policy Brief that has been an outcome of the NDPC led project Creative Cross-Innovations for Sustainability (2022-2023) and is authored by commissioned expert – Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff (Artisans of Innovation). More detailed agenda will follow in August.
Make sure not to miss the event by registering:
The Creative Cross-Innovations for Sustainability project has conducted a small-scale benchmarking of creative cross-innovations in a global context, with analyses of results filtered to this policy brief. The initial benchmarking survey reached respondents in 49 countries in Europe and globally to locate creative cross-innovation developments on various continents. Additional interviews and discussion have been held as follow up to the survey and these have provided indications on different kinds of activity such as fundings, research, trainings and more.
The aim of the project was to contribute to the knowledge gathering about the state of the practice, and by methodological piloting and development to support and encourage the emergence of new arts-based initiatives and cross-overs in the region.
The Creative Cross-Innovations for Sustainability project is funded by Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funding instrument of co-operation in the Baltic Sea, Barents with support from Ministry of Education and Culture Finland.
Read more here.