WITAC – Inclusive Wellbeing Through Arts and Culture
Inclusive Wellbeing Through Arts and Culture in the Baltics (WITAC) is a strategic partnership project aimed at developing and testing a new interdisciplinary collaboration model between culture and health in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Baltic States.
The project will strengthen the role of HEIs in fostering an equitable and inclusive society by offering an innovative lifelong learning programme for professionals in the fields of culture, health, and social work. This programme will focus on promoting inclusive wellbeing for vulnerable groups in society through the use of culture and the arts.
The main objectives in WITAC project:
– Develop and test a new cross-sectoral model of cooperation among HEIs in the Baltic countries, with representation from both the cultural and health sectors;
– Promote the role of HEIs in supporting international lifelong learning endeavors across the Baltic countries;
– By offering innovative solutions – inclusive well-being for vulnerable groups through cultural participation, strengthen the leadership role of HEIs as agents for addressing societal challenges.
The main results:
- Report and policy recommendations resulting from mapping of the existing situation regarding cultural and health interventions for vulnerable groups in the Baltic countries.
- Curriculum of the interdisciplinary blended LLL programme developed for health, culture and social sector professionals who wish to upskill.
- Implemented blended LLL programme, including the practical components – three real-life inclusive wellbeing initiatives for vulnerable groups in the Baltic countries.
Project manager: Dace Resele, dace.resele@ndpculture.org
Read more about the project on the Latvian Academy of Culture’s website