Deliverables of the Study on Cultural and Creative Industries Cooperation and Innovation in the Northern Dimension Countries
Project deliverables:
- Article “Creative and cultural industries cross-innovations. Collaboration for sustainable growth in the Northern Dimension countries” published in the Journal of Art Management, April 2021, No 136. Published in English and translated into Russian.
- Study “Collaboration and Innovation in the Northern Dimension Countries” in English.
- 121 case studies from 11 countries (Annex to the Study) in English.
- Web resource of the project
- Video of the Project’s final event (11.03.2021) with presentation of the study findings available here.
- Scientific article “Cross-Sectoral Innovation Initiatives. Three Priority Areas in Northern European Countries” in English.
- Policy brief #5 “Project Epilogue” (25.03.2021) – in English and Russian.
- Policy brief #4 “Serious Games and Gamification” (5.02.2021) – in English and Russian.
- Policy brief #3 “Getting Better? CCIs engaging with Well-being and Health: building inclusive communities and resilient societies” (07.12.2020) – in English and Russian.
- Policy brief #2 “Hearing and Dancing? How can the Cultural and Creative Industries Engage with ‘Traditional Industries’ to Mutual Benefit?” (15.10.2020) – in English and Russian.
- Policy brief #1 “CCI Connectivity and Cross-sectoral Innovation – Creating the Relationships” has been launched on 18 August, 2020, available in English and Russian.
Information about the project:
It is foreseen that fostering CCI ‘cross innovation’ will be an important element of the new Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Strategy 2021-2024. Therefore the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) has launched a project, the core of which includes mapping to identify the degree of cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation currently taking place between the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and other social and economic sectors.
In the context of this project ‘cross innovation’ refers to a process by which CCIs share information, collaborate and work with other growth sectors to promote new thinking as well as innovative products, services and activities. The focus will be on ‘cross innovation’ between the CCI sector and the digital, economic, environmental, social and education sectors.
In order to identify future CCI inter-sectoral ‘cross innovation’ potential and international opportunities related to the Northern Dimension countries, the project outputs will include mapping, reports, policy briefs, articles, experts’ focus groups and case studies looking at different forms of cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation.
This is a European Commission project, funded by EU, with the NDPC as the beneficiary. It runs from January 2020 to April 2021.
For more information, please contact Dace Resele, Head of Secretariat, Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (email:, telephone: +37129136112)