NDPC Cultural Forum meets b.creative

Reaching New Horizons: Creative Entrepreneurship and Museums
The 7th International NDPC Cultural Forum and b.creative join forces for an international event focusing on the transversal nature of the cultural and creative entrepreneurship and its capacity to foster social and economic change. The Forum will be held on 10 and 11 December. On 10 December the Forum will take place online, and on 11 December both an online and onsite programme in Saint-Petersburg is foreseen. The Covid19 pandemic has brought many challenges to both museums and creative communities, disrupting the whole cultural and creative value chain from creation, production to exhibition. At the same time, it has uncovered many opportunities and new areas and formats to explore and contribute to. In this event, we will approach the peculiar relationships between creative entrepreneurship and the museum community, exploring innovative collaborations and perspectives for a wider engagement with audiences and creative professionals.
The event “Reaching New Horizons: Creative Entrepreneurship and Museums” aims at building bridges between the creativity, technology, innovation, business and cultural sectors, including museums to explore these questions with concrete experience from culture and creative professionals. It is designed to enable international experience sharing between cultural and creative entrepreneurs including museums and provides unique networking opportunities.
To take part in the event, please register.
The programme of the Forum is available.
Main conversation & debate topics
- Cultural and creative sectors as change-makers for 21st century challenges
- Innovating inside and outside the museum
Creative networking opportunities
- Matchmaking spontaneous ‘dates’ of 10 minutes between participants (peers, mentors, investors, possible partners) according to their interest and availability.
- Virtual Showcase: If you wish to promote your project or get future partners on board, apply for a showcase in virtual booths. Please, write to laila@helve.eu
- Four workshops focused on essential crossover topics: Creative ecosystems, Stimulating a cross-disciplinary innovation culture and on specific innovation issues for museum and creative communities: Creating interactive content and Finding common grounds for collaboration
For whom?
Specifically, the event is aimed at artists, creative and cultural entrepreneurs, cultural networks, creative hubs, museum professionals, makers, technology companies, policy makers and researchers. Delegates will be able to connect with peers, engage in business opportunities and in discussions leading to concrete policy actions.
The format: interactive and fun
The conference focuses on achieving maximum interactivity between participants through various proposed activities, such as workshops, matchmaking sessions and panel discussions with questions and answers. The audience is able to choose the activities to participate in, according to their personal needs and interests. A ‘speed-dating’ session with international mentors, investors, potential business or creative partners is proposed as part of the programme.
This event is co-organised by the NDPC Secretariat, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and b.creative, the global network for cultural and creative entrepreneurs.
The NDPC is an international organization that works across 11 Northern Dimension countries. It focuses on improving operational conditions for cultural and creative industries, bridging the gap between various sources of funding, sectors of activity and strengthening cooperation between project owners, business communities, the public sector and international institutions throughout Northern Dimension region.
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body responsible for drafting and implementing national policy and the legal regulation of culture, the arts, historical and cultural heritage (including archaeological heritage), cinematography, archiving, tourism, copyright and associated rights
The b.creative network brings together a global community of 2,500 creative entrepreneurs across 116 countries to network, exchange ideas and share projects. b.creative is grounded on creative entrepreneurs’ strong demand for international networking and the growing awareness among policy makers to address culture and creative entrepreneurship as a lever for social and economic development.