AWAKE: Arts & Wellbeing As a Creative Business and Future Livelihood

“AWAKE: Arts & Wellbeing as a Creative Business and Future Livelihood” project aims to explore the intersection of arts and wellbeing from the perspective of creative business and future livelihood.

By spotlighting emerging collaborative practices between arts and wellbeing, the project will:

– provide valuable educational material (a case book of business models);

– provide  training opportunities (workshops and a bootcamp);

– facilitate a purposeful and diverse round table discussion.

Our goal is to create avenues for entrepreneurial ventures and business prospects within this dynamic field. The work on the implementation will span over two years from November 2023 until October, 2025.

Stay tuned as we embark on this transformative journey, promoting future solutions for holistic wellbeing and economic sustainability for both – the cultural and health sectors!

Co-funded by the European Union, “AWAKE: Arts & Wellbeing As a Creative Business and Future Livelihood” project will be implemented by the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (, in close partnership with The Lapinlahti hospital – Centre for Culture, Arts and Mental Well-being (Lapinlahden Lähde) from Finland, Cluj Cultural Centre (Centrul Cultural Clujean) from Romania and The Culture & Health Center (Pôle Culture et Santé Nouvelle Aquitaine) from France. We are glad to share the journey also with associated partners: Creative Industries Incubator by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA Radošo industriju inkubātors) from Latvia, The Tallinn Business Incubators Foundation (Tallinna Loomeinkubaator) from Estonia, Arts & Health Coordination Centre of the Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences Taikusydän (Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu) from Finland, National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (Stichting Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst) from Netherlands and Pauls Stradiņš Medical History Museum (Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejs) from Latvia.

More info: Dace Resele (


Project updates

– Roundtable recording now available
The eagerly awaited AWAKE project’s roundtable, titled ‘Arts & Wellbeing: Livelihoods and entrepreneurial opportunities for artists and cultural workers’, has successfully taken place on April 11th. We are thrilled to announce that the recording of this insightful event is now available for viewing.
Link here



Nov 2024 – Jan 2025 | Open enrollment for free masterclasses on creative businesses in the arts & well-being sector!
The NDPC is excited to announce FIVE upcoming masterclasses aimed at strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of the arts and wellbeing sectors! The target audience for this program includes artists, creative professionals, and small and micro businesses operating or aspiring to operate in the arts and wellbeing sector.  These masterclasses are open to all artists & entrepreneurs in this space who are looking to expand their knowledge, build sustainable practices, or strengthen their fundraising and branding strategies. Link here



Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture

Lapinlahden Lähde

Centrul Cultural Clujean

Pôle Culture et Santé Nouvelle Aquitaine