
In the “CCI4Change: Facilitation of Citizens Energy Consumption  Behavioural Change in BS Cities and Municipalities” project, public authorities cooperate with entrepreneurs from the culture and creative industry (CCI) to better engage with citizens and encourage them to reduce energy consumption.


How can we address the need for behavioural change for reducing energy consumption? This attitude shift is hard to grasp and develop, and we believe that this is where arts,  culture and creative means can make a difference.


CCI4change empowers local authorities and creative and cultural professionals to collaborate in synergy, embracing mutual benefits. Local authorities gain access to imaginative ideas, enable citizen engagement and co-creation, enriching their sustainability initiatives, while creative professionals find new possibilities of collaboration, new usage of their professional skills in the creation of sustainable solutions, new avenues for self-expression and income generation. Citizen engagement is key to finding new solutions in the CCI4Change project. 


1. The CCI4change project will pilot new collaboration models between creative professionals and local authorities, aiming to transform citizens’ energy consuming behaviours.

2. Out of the expirience gained in the pilots, the  project develops a practical toolset tailored to support collaboration between creative professionals and local authorities. This toolset will provide tested methods, enriching strategies and practical support for cities, municipalities and regions to work with the most complex societal challenges together with their local field of arts, culture and creative professionals.

3. Furthermore, the project produces 5 in-depth case studies centered around the topic of energy consumption behavioral change, serving as tangible examples of collaborations. These studies will highlight the vast potential of such partnerships, demonstrating how they contribute significantly to advancing sustainability goals and fostering innovation.

Project Duration

August 2023 – July 2025


The total budget of the CCI4change project is 470,000 EUR, of which 80%, or 380 000 EUR, is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme and the remaining 20% by the project partners.

Project Website


Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (lead partner)

Administration of Jurmala local government

City of Kotka

Region of Scania

Cursor Oy, Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company


South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd (Xamk)